With the success of last year's reunion, celebrating 60 years since the founding of Alpha Omega Fraternity, the committee, headed by Frank Healey, has decided to put together another event for late September 2011.
In the interim however, the committee has commenced impromptu gatherings of members on the last Thursday of each month, 8:30 p.m. at TAPS Brewhouse and Grille at the corner of Queen Street and Valley Way in Niagara Falls. For any further information, please contact Frank at (905) 688-4204 or abuash.healey@gmail.com .
While this will be good for the Niagara roster, if any members from other areas wish to start similar events in their own locales, please give me the details and I'll be glad to distribute the information to members with email accounts.
It's never too late to send old photo's to Jim Sawada jim.sawada@sympatico.ca for additions to our website at http://www.sawada.ca/AOF or the blog at http://alphaomegafraternity.blogspot.com .
And to contact old friends, check out contact information at http://aof.dougbowering.com . Please send me any corrections or updates.
Happy Canada Day! Enjoy the summer.
Regards to all.
Doug Bowering